Amateur radio, programming, electronics and other musings

CQWW SSB 2015 Report

CQWW SSB 2015 Report

Contest : CQ World Wide DX Contest
Callsign : M1N
Mode : PHONE
Category : Single Operator – Assisted (SOA)
Overlay :
Band(s) : Single band (SB) 20m
Class : High Power (HP)
Zone/State/… : 14
Operating time : 18h30


80 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
40 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
20 620 25 93 6 1017 1.64
15 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
10 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
TOTAL 620 25 93 6 1017 1.64

TOTAL SCORE : 120,006

Dupes are not included in QSO counts neither avg calculations

Operators : M1DST
Soapbox :

A few of us from the Swindon Radio Club each entered CQWW in various sections. So we could each follow progress we submitted our realtime scores to which was great fun to watch.

Had some issues with RF killing the Universal Serial Bus (USB) which broke CAT, keyboard and mouse control making logging difficult in the first few minutes. This was quickly solved with a single ferrite.

I decided to “fiddle” during the contest with Win-Test scripts. I wanted to allow PTT from the keyboard instead of using the footswitch. I did this using a modified script and the pause button. If I press the pause button then it toggles the PTT. I can also use ESC to always kill the PTT regardless. I was using the internal voice keyer on the K3 using the F1 – F3 keys on the keyboard.

Had plenty of fun but as usual family needed attention so time was limited. I should have spent more time calling CQ and less time getting distracted on webpages, within apps etc. There is always next year.

Oh and whilst tinkering I also reloaded the K3 firmware in the hope that my scripts would work properly. The problem was F1 would trigger the CQ and ESC would stop it. If the CQ was in repeat mode, the ESC wouldn’t cancel it. Very odd. I found a bug in the script which I fixed but it still didn’t work properly even if triggered from the radio. A firmware updated fixed the problem. Phew.

Uploaded log to CQWW, LOTW, ClubLog, my Log, and [email protected]. Also submitted claimed score to 3830.