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Last week I installed a bandpass filter which I purchased from into my 500w SSPA.

Its design is optimised for use with 600W & 800W & 1KW pallet amplifiers and can be mounted on the same heat sink as the pallet. I bolted mine on the front panel of the linear which is made of aluminium.

Only first class RF Microwave components are used on a silver plated Rogers Teflon PCB with silver plated copper inductors and Teflon PCB capacitors are used to minimize internal loss and best possible harmonic suppression.

Although available in 2 versions, coaxial connections or N female connectors, I chose to use the coaxial connection version.

144MHz Low Pass Filter

144MHz Linear Complete

Categories: 144Mhz Linear Amplifier, Projects
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This evening saw the completion of my 144MHz 500w linear amplifier. Could only get about 450 watts out of it even though the FET is rated at 600w. Pushed it a little to far on the input (5w) and caused it to break down. Ordered a new FET and now know the limits. Should be back on the air in a week or so.